Cooperative learning, education from social participation in high school students




cooperative learning, education, teacher, social skills, teaching


Cooperative learning has been fulfilling a very necessary and important task in the educational en-deavor, it constitutes a very useful tool, however, this type of learning has been used as a secondary, rare and sometimes labeled as an element unnecessary in the teaching process. Based on what has been described, the objective of the research is to diagnose the state of cooperative learning at the high school level and its direct relationship with social participation. The study has a mixed approach and with a sequential explanatory design, through a triangulation of research through a questionnaire, an interview and an observation guide, among the main results of this research is that in the subjects of Language-Literature and Mathematics is applied to a lesser extent cooperative learning, while in Natural Sciences and Social Sciences are the subjects that give more openness to this type of ins-truction. Finally, it is concluded that the teachers agree that cooperative work is based on the forma-tion of learning teams that in turn develop social skills by carrying out activities with relevant examples and the teacher’s guide.


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Author Biography

Wilmer Rubén Paredes León, Pontificia Universidad Católica del Ecuador Sede Ambato

Magíster en Innovación en Educación, Ingeniero en Contabilidad y Auditoría CPA, Profesor en educación primaria, profesor en educación primaria-especialidad Cultura Estética. Ha trabajado en la Escuela Fiscal Mixta "2 de Mayo" por un año escolar, en la Unidad Educativa "Thomas Cranmer" por dos años escolares, en la Unidad Educativa "Génesis" por un año escolar, en la Unidad Educativa "Suizo" como maestro tutor por cuatro años y como Vicerrector por ocho años. (hasta la actualidad). Ha recibido dintinciones honoríficas por parte de la Unidad Educativa "Suizo" por su gran desempeño laboral docente y administrativo. 


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How to Cite

Paredes León, W. R., & Ramos Serpa, G. (2020). Cooperative learning, education from social participation in high school students. UISRAEL SCIENTIFIC JOURNAL, 7(2), 75–92.


