Denver test and Prunape test, instruments to identify psychomotor developmental disorders




psychomotor development, Denver test, Prunape test, sensitivity, specificity


Child psychomotor development and the factors that affect it are the subject of interest in many studies, particularly by experts involved in the protection and improvement of children's health. It is extremely important to know the normal mental and motor development of the child to determine deviations that can vary from mild to extremely severe, the data from the international literature yields a multitude of screening tests. Therefore, the objective of this research is to compare the effectiveness of the Denver and PRUNAPE instruments. A comparative study was performed through a bibliographic review, using various databases, where the search was segmented with the Denver Scale and PRUNAPE, the search was carried out in one phase, which focused on searching for information published between 2010 and in 2020. It is concluded that despite the Denver test, that there are records of specificity and sensitivity between 50% there is a majority predominance, therefore, it is interpreted that it is optimal for the evaluation of possible problems in development, on the other hand, the Prunape test has an estimate of sensitivity of 80%, specificity and predictive value are found with parameters above 90%. It is estimated that the Prunape test even exceeds the Denver test in specificity, since the Denver test has a superior representation in certain contexts in comparison.


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How to Cite

Jumbo Salazar, F. F., Salazar Villacis, M. G., Acosta Gavilánez, R. I. ., & Torres Constante, D. V. . (2021). Denver test and Prunape test, instruments to identify psychomotor developmental disorders. UISRAEL SCIENTIFIC JOURNAL, 8(1), 123–136.


