WhatsApp: a tool for educational communication between parents and primary school teachers





social networks, elementary school, WhatsApp, teachers, parents of families, Covid-19


Education in times of Covid-19 is a challenge in all educational institutions. The use of social networks became the ideal means of communication to provide information on academic activities to parents. The objective of this research was to determine the use of the WhatsApp social network as a tool for educational communication between teachers and parents of the "Antonio José de Sucre Cedeño Cortez" Educational Unit, Canton 24 de Mayo, Province of Manabí, Ecuador. In the development of the study, a mixed methodology was applied, with a qualitative and quantitative approach, in addition to the analytical method supported by the bibliographic method, which allowed collecting the data required for the research topic, with the application of a survey to 13 parents of the fourth year of General Basic Education and the interview to 14 teachers of Elementary Education. The results revealed that 100% of parents use WhatsApp as an educational communication tool, and 71.4% of teachers get timely response with the sending of academic activities and any type of communication, so it was evidenced that this social network is a learning strategy in schools.


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How to Cite

Loor Ramos, G. M., Aveiga Macay, V. I., & Zambrano Romero, W. J. . (2022). WhatsApp: a tool for educational communication between parents and primary school teachers. UISRAEL SCIENTIFIC JOURNAL, 9(1), 11–28. https://doi.org/10.35290/rcui.v9n1.2022.465




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