Processes of technological management of knowledge in basic education.


  • Fidel Parra Universidad Tecnológica Israel, Ecuador.
  • Silvia Martínez Universidad Tecnológica Israel, Ecuador.
  • Henry Recalde Universidad Tecnológica Israel, Ecuador.



Processes, technological management, knowledge, basic education, equipment, vanguard


The purpose of this research was to analyze the processes of technological management of basic edu-cation, taking as theoretical references of the authors Odreman (2014) Paniuagua and others (2007), a qualitative interpretive approach was used, through a documentary review, the information collected was interpreted from the perspective of knowledge, logic and reason of the researcher. On this basis, the findings show deficient results with respect to the processes of technological knowledge management in the institutions of Basic Education of Venezuela where the combination of information processing is pursued, with the abilities of creativity and innovation of the students, through the use of Information and Communication Technologies (ICT); for which two concrete suggestions are made; the first one suggests making a diagnosis in each Venezuelan educational institution about the real needs of the basic education level with respect to the synergy between knowledge and ICT, for the insertion of state-of-the-art systems and equipment. The second proposes to carry out pertinent reflections that should lead the communities of this educational level to the effective management of the new technological tenden-cies in education, to contribute to the relevance and quality of current education in Venezuela.


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Author Biography

Fidel Parra, Universidad Tecnológica Israel, Ecuador.

Ingeniero en Sistemas, Magister en Tecnologías para la Gestión y práctica docente. 9 años de experiencia como profesor de grado y posgrado, Par Académico Iberoamericano en Informática, Planificación y Gestión Estratégica por tres años consecutivos, posee certificaciones internacionales en Informática, además investigador y conferencista en diferentes países como España, México, Estados Unidos y Chile. Actualmente se desempeña en la  Dirección de Sistematización Institucional, es Coordinador de la Gestión de la Investigación y Editor de la Revista Científica UISRAEL.


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How to Cite

Parra, F., Martínez, S., & Recalde, H. (2017). Processes of technological management of knowledge in basic education. UISRAEL SCIENTIFIC JOURNAL, 4(1), 30–39.




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