Diagnosis of rural tourism in Tupigachi, Pedro Moncayo parish, Pichincha province, Ecuador


  • Boris M. López Universidad Tecnológica Israel, Ecuador.
  • Francisco D. Vinueza Universidad Tecnológica Israel, Ecuador.
  • Carolina P. Jaramillo Universidad Tecnológica Israel, Ecuador.
  • Jesús A. Chamorro Universidad Tecnológica Israel, Ecuador.




rural tourism, Tupigachi, community, development, tourists


In the present investigation analyzes in general form the rural tourism and it conceptualization in the community of Tupigachi located in the city of Pedro Moncayo of the Pichincha. The parish counts as one of various cultural attractions, nature and festivals, and has high touristic potential that can be en-joyed for the economic diversification by its people. For this reason, a diagnosis was processed through the application of findings through tourists that arrive at the place and an analysis of touristic offerings and the existing tourist demand. Tourist attractions of the place and its potential were determined as a combined tourist foundation growth with rural tourism. Principle motivations were also identified to have visitors arriving at the parish. Finally, an analysis of the actual status of tourism in Tupigachi was made and its strengths for tourism to truly transform in an alternative development for the local population.


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Author Biographies

Boris M. López, Universidad Tecnológica Israel, Ecuador.

Profesor - Investigador

Francisco D. Vinueza, Universidad Tecnológica Israel, Ecuador.


Carolina P. Jaramillo, Universidad Tecnológica Israel, Ecuador.

Profesora - Investigadora

Jesús A. Chamorro, Universidad Tecnológica Israel, Ecuador.

Profesor - Investigador


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How to Cite

López, B. M., Vinueza, F. D., Jaramillo, C. P., & Chamorro, J. A. (2017). Diagnosis of rural tourism in Tupigachi, Pedro Moncayo parish, Pichincha province, Ecuador. UISRAEL SCIENTIFIC JOURNAL, 4(1), 55–64. https://doi.org/10.35290/rcui.v4n1.2017.50


