Evaluation of the proposal for an educational research center to improve teaching and learning processes in the ecuadorian universities of zone 5





learning, research center, educational processes, teaching processes, universities, zone 5


Higher education in the universities of zone 5 of Ecuador is in constant evolution, which is why it is important for teachers to understand the characteristics and connections between the various components that structure the teaching-learning process. In this sense, the creation of a Center for Educational Research (CIE) is presented as a possible solution, but it is necessary to evaluate its feasibility and effectiveness, for this purpose the mixed methodology was used with a hermeneutic approach, using the interview instrument and the survey with closed questions, the population were four academic directors and a sample of 110 students, the place were the four universities (UNEMI, UTB, UPSE, UB) belonging to zone 5. The results show that the level of educational satisfaction has 74% of acceptance and the students consider the teaching-learning methodologies to be adequate. It is concluded that the main existing limitation for the creation of the CIE are the "resources", in addition, the administrative structure must be suitable with clear hierarchical lines to guarantee its operation.


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How to Cite

Macias Arroyo, F. G., Vasquez Fajardo, C. E., Fajardo Vaca, L. M., & Espinoza Toalombo, R. A. (2023). Evaluation of the proposal for an educational research center to improve teaching and learning processes in the ecuadorian universities of zone 5. UISRAEL SCIENTIFIC JOURNAL, 10(2), 155–171. https://doi.org/10.35290/rcui.v10n2.2023.786


