Analysis of an exelearning guide in the teaching-learning process of students of the Instituto Tecnológico Superior Tecnoecuatoriano


  • Víctor Alfonso Garay Cisneros Instituto Tecnológico Superior Tecnoecuatoriano, Ecuador.



Information and Communications Technology, eXeLearning, teaching- learning, teaching methodology, meaningful learning


Taking into account that technology and information is innovation in education, a study was made in order to analyze the eXeLearning author tool as a guide for students, the Instituto Tecnológico Supe-rior Tecnoecuatoriano, the use of this tool, was used as theoretical reference the relationship between teaching and learning as a meaningful learning process, where Vygotsky’s theory was taken as a basis, emphasizing how the student can integrate the new learning with the already existing and de-velop a new knowledge, this mediated by the teacher as a facilitator of the construct, for autonomous learning. The eXeLearning software was used as a guide in the subject of the Environment, since it serves as a tool and methodological strategy to be used in data collection both in the classroom and outside it. A structured survey was applied to a sample of teachers and students of the third semes-ter of the career of Automotive Mechanics of the Instituto Tecnológico Superior Tecnoecuatoriano , with which it was determined that the use of the eXeLearning tool produces a change in the practice of teaching by the teachers as it breaks structures and leads to teaching the use of innovation in the teaching process. On the other hand, students know the technology and value the use of this tool in the classroom, as this led to an extra motivation when learning and forming knowledge.


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How to Cite

Garay Cisneros, V. A. (2017). Analysis of an exelearning guide in the teaching-learning process of students of the Instituto Tecnológico Superior Tecnoecuatoriano. UISRAEL SCIENTIFIC JOURNAL, 4(3), 59–75.


