Curricular theory and praxis: re-significations from teaching practice


  • Genoveva Ponce Naranjo Universidad Nacional de Chimborazo, Ecuador.



curriculum, teaching practice, methodology, planning


This article reflects on the importance of a teaching practice that contributes to the quality of education, based on a commitment to the current curriculum (which, although perfectible, includes philosophical, legal and The aim is to develop a commitment to the current curriculum (which, although perfectible, includes philosophical, legal and contextual aspects that bring together theory and praxis), in order to find alternatives to provide comprehensive answers to the problems. All this with the sine qua non condition of knowledge of curricular levels, so that from the classroom curriculum instance a work can be established that links objectives, contents, methodology and evaluation, from the teaching competences linked to planning, adaptation and execution of proposals, with the purpose of contributing to the curricular design and redesign - understood from the vision of continuous improvement - and enhancing the fulfillment of the proposed profiles.


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How to Cite

Ponce Naranjo, G. (2018). Curricular theory and praxis: re-significations from teaching practice. UISRAEL SCIENTIFIC JOURNAL, 5(2), 51–59.


