Voices that dialogue, minds that expand: the dialogic literary gathering and the reading habit in middle school children





habit, literary discussion, education, dialogue, reading


The objective of this article focuses on suggesting the TLD to promote the reading habit in high school students, through research with mixed approach, documentary and field type, by means of two software SPPSS and Atlas ti and the reliability of the instrument by means of Cronbach's Alpha. In the results of the Ser Estudiante 2022-2023 evaluation, the sustainability of the educational institutions correlated to the average obtained was evidenced, where a high score is highlighted in the private institutions with an average of 658 and the lowest 645 in fiscal institutions, consequently the institutions are not guaranteeing a good performance in aspects such as a good learning environment, In addition, the survey conducted at the research site determined several factors in relation to activities dedicated to reading in the classroom as a positive factor to create dialogue environments; however, it is evident that teachers do not dedicate time to such reading activities. The TLD emerges as a mechanism to promote dialogic environments and reading spaces.


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How to Cite

Coque Imbaquinga, N. L., Lala Paucar, M. D., Sangoquiza Cuenca, S. Y., & Haro Chipusig, J. E. (2025). Voices that dialogue, minds that expand: the dialogic literary gathering and the reading habit in middle school children. U-Mores JOURNAL, 4(1), 29–49. https://doi.org/10.35290/ru.v4n1.2025.1415


