Family stress and executive functions in children with ADHD from 8 to 12 years old from a specialized center in the city of Cuenca - Ecuador




family stress, executive functions, attention deficit, hyperactivity disorder


This article refers to ADHD as "attention deficit hyperactivity disorder", since it is considered to be one of the neurodevelopmental disorders with the strongest roots at present. The aim of the study was to determine the relationship between family stress and executive functions in children diagnosed with attention deficit hyperactivity disorder (ADHD). It was developed with a quantitative methodology, by standardized tests applied to a group of individuals that were statistically analyzed, 36 families with children from 8 to 12 years old with ADHD diagnosis, attending a Specialty Center in the City of Cuenca, Ecuador, participated. The tests used were Cohen's parental stress questionnaire (CEP) and the BRIEF test. The scales of inhibition, change and emotional control comprise the regulation of index behavior, is a reliable and established measure of EF with a mean test-retest reliability of 0.81 in all clinical scales and a high construct validity demonstrated in several neurodevelopmental samples. The results show that there is no relationship between family stress and executive functions in children with ADHD, although children present executive dysfunction, stress is not a determining factor for this phenomenon, it is important to mention the parents, who are responsible for the process of child rearing and schooling.


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How to Cite

Cunha Romero, L. E. . (2022). Family stress and executive functions in children with ADHD from 8 to 12 years old from a specialized center in the city of Cuenca - Ecuador. U-Mores JOURNAL, 1(2), 9–24.