Educational practice in the three fields of action at the U. E. B "Héctor Castillo Reyes"




educational practice, Infrastructure, teaching method, students, teaching, strategies


This research analyzes some of the factors that may interfere in the learning process and low performance in the first years of elementary school students. The article describes the particular case study in a public sector school with a deficient infrastructure and a high population of students with a low to medium economic level, where the influence of the conditions of the educational premises together with the deficient resources available to teachers on the teaching and learning process is evaluated. For this study, a group of students with learning difficulties and the environments where they interact are selected. Likewise, a review of literature associated with the subject was carried out and constant monitoring was carried out during six months and structured in four phases, which allow for a detailed analysis of the processes. The results are encouraging and allow demonstrating that the teaching and learning process for children with special difficulties presents advances as physical and human resources are increased and optimized with quality; additionally, improvements in the current system are proposed. 


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How to Cite

Guedez-Mujica , A. G. (2022). Educational practice in the three fields of action at the U. E. B "Héctor Castillo Reyes". U-Mores JOURNAL, 1(2), 43–54.