Generation of scales of Test D2 in Ecuadorian adult population-preliminary results




Scales, ecuadorian population, emotional, variable


The present Verbal Fluency Test was based on knowing the applicability of the D2 test to an Ecuadorian population group with ages ranging between 18 and 79 years old, in order to know their emotional and attentional state in front of the presented test. Thus, the Verbal Fluency Test was based on the application of 80 batteries of the D2 test in a certain Ecuadorian population sample, in order to obtain reliable results, which allow structuring the scale and can be analyzed in accordance with the scales of the tests already carried out in Ecuador. The main objective is to initiate a research that can be subsequently fed with future studies on the subject in question, so that the results presented here can open the way to new Verbal Fluency Tests in the country. As part of the results, the results obtained from the application of the D2 test in the population selected for the research were recorded, with which the statistical graphs and their interpretation were established based on the variables age, gender and schooling.


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How to Cite

Banchón Silva, B. (2022). Generation of scales of Test D2 in Ecuadorian adult population-preliminary results. U-Mores JOURNAL, 1(3), 43–55.