Application of the semantic verbal fluency test in a healthy Ecuadorian adult population: preliminary results




language, brain, test, motor, verbal


This article refers to the generation of scales of the semantic Verbal Fluency Test, this neuropsychological instrument corresponds to an attempt, which serves to evaluate globally and quickly the language, as well as the executive functions, which determine different brain functions that sensorially regulate visual functions, language, motor skills, perception of vigilance and writing, etc. The objective of the study was to apply the test to a sample of healthy Ecuadorian adult population, in order to obtain results that would allow the collection of preliminary normative values for the validation of the instrument. It was developed with a synthetic, descriptive, analytical, analytical and logical-deductive methodology, using the test initially mentioned. The test was applied to 1,281 individuals from an Ecuadorian adult population, especially those aged between 18 and 80 years old. The results were systematized according to the categories: range by age, range by gender and range of schooling to obtain reliable results, which allow structuring and can be analyzed for diagnosis and neuropsychological evaluation, therefore, to elaborate an important scientific contribution with the appropriate property.


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How to Cite

Achiña Pujota, D. M. (2022). Application of the semantic verbal fluency test in a healthy Ecuadorian adult population: preliminary results. U-Mores JOURNAL, 1(3), 9–21.