Psycho-pedagogical orientation in university practice




psycho-pedagogical orientation, career, training, strategies, curriculum


Conceptions for psycho-pedagogical orientation should be assumed as one of the challenges for the improvement of university practice; with emphasis on the institutional level and career groups. The identification of this problem allowed to analyze the theoretical reflections that configure the methodological position of the actions proposed in the article. The result of this process has been gradually enriched from the institutional strategy so that the tasks or activities rest in a comprehensive conception of the training process in intimate relationship with the other areas of service and management. The experience developed in the last two semesters at the UMET, allowed to establish the procedure that should govern the educational actions so that they impact on university practice until reaching the level of integration, coherence and systematicity that is required in this type of orientation. The conceptions that are presented weigh the responsibility in the methodological and linking work; as well as the importance of specifying the intent of this process in the design and development of the curriculum.


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How to Cite

Alfonso Moreira, Y., Valladares González, M. G., & Pulido, M. (2019). Psycho-pedagogical orientation in university practice. UISRAEL SCIENTIFIC JOURNAL, 6(3), 9–24.


