Learning strategies applied to the subject internal combustion engines for the achievement of learning





didactic strategies, learming strategies, learning achievements, internal combustion engi-ne


The objective of the research is to establish the relationship between the didactic learning strategies and their influence on the learning achievements of the subject of Internal Combustion Engines (MCI) of the Antonio Carrillo Moscoso Units and November 12 of the Pillaro (Ecuador) canton with a sample 78 students and 4 teachers. In this sense, the study has a qualitative and quantitative approach with a positivist paradigm, that is, the methodology to be used is of a correlational type, since an explana-tion of the teaching strategies in the classroom is carried out, and the achievements of learning ac-complished, by comparing the results achieved by students and what is expected by curricular com-petences. In turn, the association of the variables is established and the factors that affect student performance are identified. The techniques for data collection in this study are validated instruments and the Chi Square test is performed. Thus, it was determined that there is a significant correlation in the use of the strategy with the achievement of student learning


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How to Cite

Alulema, P. R., & Amancha Proaño, P. I. (2020). Learning strategies applied to the subject internal combustion engines for the achievement of learning. UISRAEL SCIENTIFIC JOURNAL, 7(3), 65–80. https://doi.org/10.35290/rcui.v7n3.2020.309




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