Computational thinking skills in teacher trainees at La Gran Colombia University.




computational thinking, teacher training, study skills, university school context


Currently, one of the great challenges for teachers is to meet the digital transformation processes faced by contemporary society. However, teachers do not have the technical or pedagogical skills to develop computational thinking in their students. One of the main reasons is the lack of formal programs or curricula for teacher qualification that provide the possibility to develop skills such as: decomposition, pattern generalization, abstraction and algorithmic thinking.

The objective of this project is to identify the level of skills related to computational thinking of future teachers linked to the Universidad la Gran Colombia, who want to become teachers in order to then, establish strategies, generate teaching orientation plans, new curricular proposals, among others. The dominant approach methodology is used, prevailing the quantitative and the survey was used as a technique to collect information and establish the relationship between skills and study techniques.


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How to Cite

Camargo Pérez, A. J., & Munar Ladino, J. A. . (2021). Computational thinking skills in teacher trainees at La Gran Colombia University. UISRAEL SCIENTIFIC JOURNAL, 8(2), 135–149.


