Science and technology in Ecuador. A review of the state of the art




Science and technology, competitiveness, development, higher education, economic evolution, innovation


The disruptions caused by globalization, the realities and complexities of the different markets that are part of the world economic ecosystem, have aroused a special common interest; especially in developing countries, to strengthen strategic alliances focused on endogenous and exogenous factors, related to innovation (R&D), the development of scientific and technological studies; that directly contribute to solving difficulties (unemployment, quality of life, exports, imports, etc.); which have been increased, to a large extent, by the neglect of some States to invest strategically in programs that encourage exploration and scientific development. The objective of the research is to reveal the behavior and development of science and technology between the years 2012-2014, as an instrument of Ecuadorian socioeconomic transformation. The study approach is mixed, descriptive and correlational, incorporating clarifying notes generated from the exploratory review of research related to the thematic axes. The results indicate the existence of inconsistencies in investment expenses, producing uncertainty about budget management in relation to Science and Technology. The conclusions reflect a low level of productivity and technological growth, which leads to highlighting certain limitations and imbalance in terms of competitiveness and social welfare. The State must reinforce its socioeconomic policy, by virtue of strengthening the educational, health and social welfare areas.


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How to Cite

Lara Satán, N., & Rojo Gutiérrez, M. A. . (2021). Science and technology in Ecuador. A review of the state of the art. UISRAEL SCIENTIFIC JOURNAL, 8(1e), 77–91.

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