“Ludoactivo”: didactic resources of innovation for the optimization of the pedagogical processes of the center educational Yonoly in Barranquilla - Colombia





game, educational game, physical education, learning method, practical jobs


The pedagogical theories of Vygotsky and Ausubel, in addition to the theory of pre-exercise and playfulness, are the basis of this research project. Adapting board games as didactic resources is a great alternative to integrate and motivate active participation in classes. In this opportunity, a board game was adapted (taking Ludo or Parqués as a referential idea) to be applied in physical education classes and in the physical-sports training program of an educational center in Colombia. In addition to its great versatility and capacity to adapt to any group, objectives, resources, spaces, contents, time, among others, it allows the integration of other areas of knowledge. The main purpose, in addition to the recreation of the participants, is to offer a didactic pedagogical alternative to be applied in school, home or sports facilities for motor learning, as well as to improve physical, psychological and metabolic condition, in addition to strengthening other areas of knowledge. Therefore, this study shows that it is necessary and important to apply new didactic resources during the physical education class and physical-sports training, and at the same time, it optimizes the teaching-learning process in teachers and students, so it is worth putting it into practice.



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How to Cite

Morales Acosta , E. J. (2022). “Ludoactivo”: didactic resources of innovation for the optimization of the pedagogical processes of the center educational Yonoly in Barranquilla - Colombia. UISRAEL SCIENTIFIC JOURNAL, 9(3), 29–46. https://doi.org/10.35290/rcui.v9n3.2022.632


