Influence of neuroleadership on the educational management of the department of languages of the UNEFM




Neuroleadership, educational management, work teams, identity


The main objective of this article was based on understanding the influence of neuroleadership on the educational management of the UNEFM language department. The underlying paradigm was qualitative, from a theoretical vision sheltered in the postulates of interpretive-constructionism, in turn grounded in the epistemic position that raises the understanding of human action, with a close appreciation of phenomenology-hermeneutics that gave rise to the meaning and intersubjective exegesis of the influence of neuroleadership in educational management. The technique involved in the collection of information was the in-depth interview applied to ten key informants belonging to the language department of the university involved. The interpretive hermeneutics of the data was based on the processes inherent to the method; such as, the categorization and subsequent coding of the different opinions of the versioners; giving rise to the transformation from complexity to simplicity; the investigative fact was coined in 10 subcategories, a core category and two guiding categories that favored the emergence of the findings. Confirming the beneficial effect of the benefits of neuroleadership not only on management, but also on postmodern management, which believes in and bets on systemic, complex, and, above all, flexible organizational dynamics.


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How to Cite

Lamus de Rodríguez, T. M., Moreira-Choez, J. S., & Lamus-García, R. Z. (2023). Influence of neuroleadership on the educational management of the department of languages of the UNEFM. UISRAEL SCIENTIFIC JOURNAL, 10(3), 37–56.




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