Climate refugee: towards the effective exercise of the human rights of people in mobility




human mobility, displaced people, climate refugees, climate change


The onslaught of climate change has shown that this phenomenon is not only a reality, but that it has changed the living conditions of millions of people. This opens the door for civilization to mobilize in search of better living conditions and thus allow the free mobility or circulation of all those to whom their State has not been able to guarantee the application of their rights and, therefore, a quality of life in accordance with their needs. The purpose of this article is to elucidate the need to create new institutions or specific legal statuses to protect the rights of people in human mobility for climatic reasons. For the realization of this article, qualitative, descriptive and bibliographic methods were used, which involved the review of documentary material, doctrine and the national and international legal system. As a result of this research, it was found that there are vast justifications that point to the need for the international community to pronounce itself on the legal vacuum that exists for people who have had to be forcibly displaced for climatic reasons. For this reason, it can be concluded that it is imperative to recognize the concept of refugee for those displaced by climatic situations who have been left defenseless in the face of the violation of their rights. This recognition includes accepting that climate adversity is one of the reasons for people in human mobility to access climate refugee status and thus provide them with a response that allows them to rebuild their lives in dignified conditions and under the legal protection of other jurisdictions.


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How to Cite

Izquierdo Vera, A. R., & Domínguez Serrano, M. I. (2023). Climate refugee: towards the effective exercise of the human rights of people in mobility. UISRAEL SCIENTIFIC JOURNAL, 10(2), 173–190.


