Certified journals and their use by quality management masters to publish articles





article, catalog, science, knowledge


Currently the Universities of Latin America with the presence of magazines published by Schools and research centers has meant a significant contribution to the professional-disciplinary development, reaching naturalize magazine publishing in different fields according to specialties, as an activity re-search, where development, creativity, rigorous study of reality where research is conducted, provide other relevant approaches to contribute to the development of scientific activity, where results interna-tionally on publications in indexed journals are relatively rare.Therefore, it is intended to present scientific activity with the completion of the communication and dissemination of the results to the rest of the scientific community, so that the publication is, in this sense, the end product of research and scientific journal is the instrument used to transfer informa-tion between authors and readers. The reasons for the author to write a scientific paper can be both professional nature (dissemination of knowledge, teaching or research requirement) and personal (recognition and encouragement IndividualIn this context, a detailed study of how to write scientific articles, and post them, and their different elements of it, as a product of six years as editor of the magazine Journal recinatur internacional.


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How to Cite

Lomas Tapia, K. R., Trujillo, C. A., & Basantes Andrade, A. (2020). Certified journals and their use by quality management masters to publish articles. UISRAEL SCIENTIFIC JOURNAL, 7(1), 25–42. https://doi.org/10.35290/rcui.v7n1.2020.93


