Immersive reader to develop post-pandemic literacy in fourth grade students of General Basic Education




immersive reader, literacy, post pandemic, student, teaching process


The technological tool Immersive Reader is an educational software associated with artificial intelligence, designed to develop the skills of reading, writing, text comprehension, and grammar; through its multiple functionalities. In this sense, the objective of this research is to propose the use of the immersive reader for the reading-writing process in students of the fourth year of General Basic Education, who during the COVID-19 health crisis did not develop these skills correctly. The research is documentary - descriptive with qualitative approach, which plays the analysis of comparison between relevant studies, such as the data issued by INEVAL in 2019, where 16.4% of schoolchildren showed deficiency in reading and writing processes; from the pandemic with the results of the Test "Being Student" in the period 2021-2022 it was evidenced that the difficulties in mentioned process increased to 22.2%. In view of the statistical data analyzed and compared, the use of the Immersive Reader was established as a viable solution, because it provides the necessary tools for educators to address difficulties detected in reading and writing, allowing students to improve the acquisition of reading and writing skills.


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How to Cite

Arteaga Mueses , V. A., & Betancourt Sánchez, C. M. (2024). Immersive reader to develop post-pandemic literacy in fourth grade students of General Basic Education. U-Mores JOURNAL, 3(1), 83–100.


