Analysis of the impact of educational digital games on language and literature teaching methodologies


  • Erika Johanna Guiracocha Campoverde Universidad Central del Ecuador, Ecuador
  • Diana Lizeth Vargas González Universidad Central del Ecuador, Ecuador



teaching methodologies, educational digital games, game-based learning, didactic resources, innovative teaching


Educational digital games represent a key tool to improve classroom learning, since they allow teachers to apply innovative methodologies that facilitate teaching and motivate students. At the Instituto Nacional Mejía, a low use of didactic resources has been identified, which affects the interest and participation of students in Language and Literature, therefore, this study analyzes the impact of educational digital games in teaching methodologies, highlighting their importance in motivation and academic performance. For this purpose, an experimental methodology with a mixed approach was applied, using Likert scale questionnaires to collect data from a sample of 39 teachers. The statistical analysis was carried out using the Chi-Square test, which confirmed the significant relationship between the use of digital games and the implementation of innovative methodologies, validating the alternative hypothesis; in addition, Cronbach's reliability allowed guaranteeing the accuracy of the data obtained. The results show that most teachers consider that educational digital games favor learning by promoting participation, improving content comprehension and optimizing academic performance, consolidating as an effective strategy in current education.


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How to Cite

Guiracocha Campoverde, E. J., & Vargas González, D. L. (2025). Analysis of the impact of educational digital games on language and literature teaching methodologies. U-Mores JOURNAL, 4(1), 127–146.




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