Music therapy in the neurological rehabilitation of Alzheimer's: A bibliographic review
Music therapy, Alzheimer's disease, Cognitive function, Emotional well-being, Neurophysiological mechanismsAbstract
Alzheimer's disease (AD) is a neurodegenerative, progressive and irreversible disease that affects more than 50 million people in the world and this number is expected to triple by 2050. It is characterized by a deterioration in cognitive functions, emotional well-being and quality of life. Music therapy has been postulated as a promising non-pharmacological intervention, based on the fact that musical memory is preserved in patients with AD. A systematic search was carried out in the databases PubMed, Scopus, Web of Science and PsycINFO, using terms such as “music therapy”, “Alzheimer's disease” and “neurological rehabilitation”. All studies published between 2010 and 2023 in the English and Spanish languages that evaluated the effects of music therapy on patients with AD were included. The PRISMA methodology guided the process of selection and analysis of the articles, placing special emphasis on the evaluation of methodological quality that is carried out with its own tools, such as the Cochrane scale and AMSTAR-2. Finally, integrating music therapy into clinical care practices and participating in the community setting are ways to improve care for people with AD and their caregivers.
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