Generation of verbal fluency test scores for the ecuadorian adult population. Preliminary results




proficiency test, oral expression, phonetics, semantics, population


The verbal fluency test at the phonological and semantic level is a procedure for evaluating the capacity for semantic memory or mental dictionary, integrity of executive functions and ability to retrieve information. Although the first investigations and normative data were studied in English-speaking localities, there are few studies carried out in the Spanish-speaking population. The purpose of this research work is to obtain the necessary data to generate adequate scales for the adult population of Ecuador, for which adult subjects between 18 and 80 years of age were evaluated. The parameters that were taken into account were age, gender and educational level. When measuring the category of semantic fluency, the person was asked to say as many animals as possible in the space of 60 seconds, while to evaluate phonological fluency, they had to 23 mention all the words that begin with the letter «p» in a minute. The arithmetic means and standard deviation of the population segments under study were extracted, useful data for the generation of scales in the Ecuadorian population. Gender, chronological age and educational level determine results in the applied tests. Gender, chronological age and educational level determine results in the applied tests.


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How to Cite

Cortez Ocaña, M. P., & Peralta Escalante, B. C. (2023). Generation of verbal fluency test scores for the ecuadorian adult population. Preliminary results. U-Mores JOURNAL, 2(1), 29–37.