Augmented reality for the development of variational geometric thinking




Augmented reality, Geometric thinking, Variational thinking, ICT


A resource used for teaching mathematics has been augmented reality (AR), whose purpose is focused on the creation of virtual content in a real space; however, it is important to know the perceptions of learners about its use; thus, this research was generated, whose objective was to analyze the effect of the application of augmented reality as an instrument for the development of variational geometric thinking in high school students. It was conducted under a qualitative approach; three pilot activities for the use of AR were applied in 10th grade students in Colombia; participant observation was implemented and later a semi-structured interview was applied. Among the results, it was obtained that AR helps to create a greater link with geometry, allows the manipulation of geometric elements instantaneously and helps to correct errors immediately, opening space for the production of ideas not contemplated in the activities. It was concluded that AR allows generating practical and dynamic classes, awakens the motivation, interest and creativity of the students by carrying out activities that have led to intertwine theoretical and practical content.


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How to Cite

Barrios Soto , L. M., Maradey Coronell, J. A. ., & Delgado González , M. J. (2022). Augmented reality for the development of variational geometric thinking. UISRAEL SCIENTIFIC JOURNAL, 9(3), 11–28.




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