The construction of school failure: institutional thinking and practices




educability, institutional practices, school failure


This essay gathers relevant information on the subject of institutional thinking and practices associated with the construction of school failure. Among the institutional thoughts are: generalization, idealization of the student, the pansophical ideal, guilt and reductionist conceptions that exclude certain variables that are in constant interaction in terms of the explanation of school failure. At the same time, certain labeling and stigmatizing practices that can damage the student for life are analyzed, there are certain prevailing discourses in the educational units, submerging in passivity others such as family, personal and interdisciplinary ones. Likewise, another practice that could become reductionist is the discriminatory contextualization, referring to educability only at school, underestimating different environments that are part of education.  The questions that arise are: if we talk about people constructing knowledge and not reproducing it, could they learn in other contexts outside the school? Can the existence of students' school failure be considered an institutional construction? What changes can be provided to students in relation to institutional thoughts and practices in order to solve their difficulties in school learning?


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How to Cite

Navas Espinosa, R. E. (2021). The construction of school failure: institutional thinking and practices. UISRAEL SCIENTIFIC JOURNAL, 8(2), 151–161.


