The e-learning process and its impact on students' mental health




Learning process, student, psychology, neuroeducation, anxiety, stress


The learning and teaching process evolves over time, due to this different methodologies and techniques are implemented for students to learn optimally; however, one of the most common problems within mental health is stress and anxiety, which can be generated by not adapting to new systems in education, as is the case of virtual learning forced by the pandemic by COVID-19. In this context, this research seeks to describe the perception of eighth semester students of psychology at the Universidad Tecnológica Indoamérica in the city of Ambato, regarding their learning experience in virtual environments. For this purpose, the perceptions of a sample of 50 students of the Faculty of Human and Health Sciences are collected, based on their experience with classes under the virtual modality in times of pandemic. The results show that students consider that stress influences their learning, and that they tend to generate anxious traits when performing complex tasks. The solution to the problems is directed to know the levels of stress and anxiety that students may have, the teacher has a great influence, so he can use interactive methodologies and incorporate active breaks, reducing the levels of these pathologies, in order to stimulate the skills and abilities of students.


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How to Cite

Toasa Guachi, L. A. ., & Toasa Guachi, R. M. (2022). The e-learning process and its impact on students’ mental health. UISRAEL SCIENTIFIC JOURNAL, 9(1), 49–68.


