Homework at home: implications limitations and challenges from the perspective of parents in times of COVID-19





pandemic, consequences, homework, students and education


In the first quarter of 2020, in the face of the COVID-19 health alert, schools were unexpectedly closed. Educational centers and teachers, faced with the situation of confinement, adapted syllabi, activities and created virtual learning environments, thus transforming the traditional way of teaching-learning, where students are no longer in front of a blackboard, but in front of a screen. In this sense, the objective of this study is to determine the implications, limitations and challenges of homework from and for home, from the perspective of parents. The research modalities were bibliographic and field, the levels were exploratory and descriptive. The sample was made up of 60 parents from Izamba, a rural parish of Ambato. The sample was selected by applying the non-probabilistic and intentional sampling technique. The information was collected through the application of the survey technique and the questionnaire was used as an instrument. The results indicate that homework was intended to be a tool to reinforce the virtual or telematic teaching and learning process in times of pandemic.


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How to Cite

Velasco Almachi, L. D., Pimbo-Tibán, A. G., Guerrero-Casquete, E. M., & Chiliquinga-Campos, E. V. (2023). Homework at home: implications limitations and challenges from the perspective of parents in times of COVID-19. UISRAEL SCIENTIFIC JOURNAL, 10(2), 39–59. https://doi.org/10.35290/rcui.v10n2.2023.754




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