Proposal of didactic intervention for the literary analysis of teatral works in preuniversity in the cuban context




literary analysis, dramatic genre, teaching-learning process, system, learning tasks


Regarding the teaching-learning process of literary analysis of dramatic works, it was found that there are insufficiencies in the habit of reading this genre, as well as in the understanding of the spectacular nature inherent to it and the lack of knowledge on the part of pre-university students of the contents of literary theory, which are characteristic of the aforementioned genre. The methodological conception of the work is the dialectical-materialistic one that makes possible the use of different theoretical and empirical methods to approach the researched as a developing totality. The didactic intervention proposal consists of a system of learning tasks for the development of skills in the analysis of dramatic works and takes into account the contents of literary theory. The results are divided into three subsystems with novel exercises for the acquisition of knowledge about this genre, from the perspective of integration of literary theory contents, with the development of skills for the reading and analysis of tragedy and comedy. As part of the conclusions, the system of learning tasks gradually attends to complexity, which allows attention to individual differences, according to the levels of assimilation of knowledge of students in pre-university.


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Author Biography

Armando Castillo Acevedo, Universidad Central de Las Villas, Cuba




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How to Cite

Castillo Acevedo, A., Campos Maura, E., Cárdenas Caballero, D. L., & Moreno Borroto, M. (2023). Proposal of didactic intervention for the literary analysis of teatral works in preuniversity in the cuban context . UISRAEL SCIENTIFIC JOURNAL, 10(2), 83–108.


