Background in the process of appropriation of information technologies in the Wixárika Region of the state of Jalisco


  • Guillermo Aguilar Herver Universidad de Guadalajara, México.
  • William Enrique Londoño Terwes Universidad de Guadalajara, México.
  • Javier Ramirez Rom Universidad de Guadalajara, México.
  • Imelda Karina Salinas Ocegueda Universidad de Guadalajara, México.



technology, Wixárika People, society, information, knowledge


The integration of the different sectors of the population of our country to the Information and Knowledge Society seems a complex task due to the little extended telecommunications network that we have. In addition, commercial operators in this segment show low interest in offering their services to populations with a low concentration of inhabitants. However, if the extension of the ne-twork is completed, this would only represent the first step, there would be a long way to go in the process of integrating the technologies for the common benefit. This phenomenon is aggravated in indigenous populations, whose main characteristic is the geographical dispersion in which their inhabitants live. And, as with the great majority of the indigenous peoples of Latin America, their socioeconomic characteristics are very high marginalization. According to the classification of the National Institute of Statistics and Geography (INEGI, 2010), basic services, such as communica-tions (roads), are scarce. Access to telecommunications services is limited to satellite rural telepho-ne booths, and Internet access is only available through satellite links located at some educational sites.


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How to Cite

Aguilar Herver, G., Londoño Terwes, W. E., Ramirez Rom, J., & Salinas Ocegueda, I. K. (2018). Background in the process of appropriation of information technologies in the Wixárika Region of the state of Jalisco. UISRAEL SCIENTIFIC JOURNAL, 5(2), 9–16.


