Social participation of rural youth from Villaclare in agricultural cooperatives: a case study


  • Arianna B. Hernández Veitía Universidad Central “Marta Abreu” de Las Villas, Cuba.
  • Idalety Moreira Echeverría Universidad Central “Marta Abreu” de Las Villas, Cuba.



rural youth, social participation


Since 2008, Cuba has promoted the delivery of land in usufruct and has encouraged the presen-ce of young people in rural communities and agricultural activities. Tenure and land management are among young farmers sources of tension in the articulation of personal and social projects, in the construction of traditional —close to local— or modern identities, and mediate in the decision to migrate or remain in the territory. The purpose of this paper is to characterize the participation of rural youth associated with the Cooperativa de Créditos y Servicios (CCS) Jorge Montes belonging to the Cifuentes municipality in the province of Villa Clara. The analysis focuses on youth protagonism from a perspective of equity and social justice from recognizing their participatory potential. Villa Clara is a province with a marked tendency to diminish its juvenile population as a result of migratory processes and low birth rates. The research is based on the action-research methodology and applies the trian-gulation of qualitative techniques (interviews with key informants, participant observation, and group work with young cooperativists) and quantitative (questionnaires). The results and the conclusions offer alternatives from the responsible participation that allow to know the interests and motivations of the young people from the activities that they realize in function of the organizational form of the agricultural production to which they belong. The recommendations show the need to recognize the importance of the social participation of young people in the agricultural sector and their social res-ponsibility.


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How to Cite

Hernández Veitía, A. B., & Moreira Echeverría, I. (2018). Social participation of rural youth from Villaclare in agricultural cooperatives: a case study. UISRAEL SCIENTIFIC JOURNAL, 5(2), 39–50.


