Motivation, Ethics and Values in extramural exams


  • Gloria Del Valle Peña Rosas Pontificia Universidad Católica del Ecuador
  • Beatriz M. Maldonado Lira Pontificia Universidad Católica del Ecuador



extramural exam, academic values


Education is an indispensable tool in the formation of societies, and since ancient times has been a mechanism to define the behaviors and stereotypes that should govern and shape communities. Likewise, education has always been governed by a teaching-learning process that has led, in one way or another, to an evaluation process. Both, teaching and evaluation, have led years of evolution together, according to educational environments and according to the social characteristics of each community. This paper presents the situations presented in an extramural evaluation that was carried out in an educational institution of a religious nature with a group of students with a certain level of academic preparation. The results showed little disposition for the studies, lack of values and lack of commitment. Finally, the conclusions are presented where the possible reasons that led to the results are evident.


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How to Cite

Peña Rosas, G. D. V., & Maldonado Lira, B. M. (2019). Motivation, Ethics and Values in extramural exams. UISRAEL SCIENTIFIC JOURNAL, 6(2), 79–87.


