Orofacial motor skills to reduce simple language delay in second grade students of basic education





orofacial, praxias, language, articulation, communication


Orofacial motricity is in charge of working with the phono-articulatory organs, that is, with the structure of the face and its muscles in general, thus favoring the development of language. The present research is carried out on the basis of its objective, which is to propose orofacial motor skills to reduce simple language delay in GBS students. A documentary research was developed with a qualitative approach and indirect observation method. With respect to the results achieved, it could be evidenced that the COVID-19 brought consequences in education and in the family environment of each student, thus affecting their linguistic level. According to Unicef Ecuador data, 70% stated that they are learning less than before the confinement and at the same time the Ministry of Education confirmed that there are language problems in children after the pandemic, which resulted in gaps in articulation and communication skills. Therefore, it was considered appropriate to encourage the use of facial praxias by means of short, precise and dynamic activities that significantly guarantee an improvement in the communicative and corporal expression of the students and at the same time the use of technology as a favoring resource


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How to Cite

Aguilar Verdezoto, D. (2024). Orofacial motor skills to reduce simple language delay in second grade students of basic education. U-Mores JOURNAL, 3(2), 43–56. https://doi.org/10.35290/ru.v3n2.2024.1042


