Estimation of cognitive status and its impact on the quality of life of older adults in the city of Manta - Ecuador




cognitive assessment, cognitive profile, older adults, quality of life


The population of older adults is considered worldwide as one of the most vulnerable groups, since, as a consequence of aging, biological and social changes arise, and mainly in the discernment of cognitive alterations. The general objective of the present study was to estimate the cognitive status and quality of life of older adults in the city of Manta, Ecuador. The methodology used was a mixed approach, which allowed arguing systematic information with qualitative and quantitative cuts, in order to perform a triangulation with perceptions of reality and statistical data; the collection techniques applied were the interview, which was carried out through semi-structured questions, allowing systematizing the information obtained, the Mini Cognitive Examination (MEC) test was performed, which through 30 items allowed the assessment of the cognitive level of older adults in various cognitive areas.

The predominant level of cognitive impairment in the elderly, which stood out in more than 50% of the participants, presented difficulties in cognitive performance, concluding pathological suspicion as the main level of impairment, which means that, by maintaining difficulty in this performance, it interferes in the quality of life of the elderly.


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How to Cite

Moreira Valencia, J. E. (2023). Estimation of cognitive status and its impact on the quality of life of older adults in the city of Manta - Ecuador. U-Mores JOURNAL, 2(1), 67–76.

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