Executive functions and their relationship in the qualifying evaluation in children of second and third grade of the Dillon School





executive functions, assessment, grading, children, boys, girls


In the educational environment, new situations can be experienced that stimulate executive functions, which help to improve school learning processes. Essentially, these are crucial to achieve educational and professional objectives, since they coordinate and organize basic cognitive processes necessary for purposeful and socially accepted behaviors.  The general objective of the present study was to determine the relationship between executive functions and the qualifying evaluation of children in 2nd and 3rd grade of elementary school at the Dillon School in Quito, Ecuador. The methodology used was qualitative-quantitative, non-experimental design, cross-sectional and descriptive in scope. The ENFEN test and the report card (general average) were used to evaluate the executive functions in children in 2nd and 3rd grade of elementary school. Spearman's correlation coefficient was used to analyze the relationship of these variables with the numerical variable of the general average.  After carrying out the research and examining the results obtained, it was concluded that there is a connection between the executive functions and the qualifying evaluation of boys and girls. It was also emphasized that the correlation between these variables does not imply causality, so it is important to consider other factors that may influence the academic performance of students.


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How to Cite

Flores Romero, D. E. (2023). Executive functions and their relationship in the qualifying evaluation in children of second and third grade of the Dillon School. U-Mores JOURNAL, 2(2), 25–45. https://doi.org/10.35290/ru.v2n2.2023.955