Oral narration as a pedagogical tool in the promotion of short fiction


  • Claudia Eulalia Zuriaga Universidad Intrenacional del Ecuador https://orcid.org/0000-0002-1411-2949
  • Ivo Leonel Pereira Díaz Universidad Pedagógica Rural “El Mácaro”




Text, orality, literature, literary discourse, students


The literature has represented for many students the least attractive subject, those in which usually relegate it there is a higher level of activity, in which the body as a whole is in constant motion (sports, manuals, games). The student shows a great disinterest in reading and writing, because they find that the teaching methodology is “boring”, “obsolete” or simply “classical”. Delivery of texts that only aim at a conventional verification of the reading act. There is no deeper, more revealing, more meaningful link between reader and text. A relationship that leads to the search for other references, other landscapes, other visions on the same or several topics. Two questions arise: How to positively approach students to literary discourse? How to spread the taste for literary discipline? It may be that the answer to both questions is difficult to find, but oral narration, as a means between the approach and understanding of these texts, is an ideal way to start fostering the desire for literature, or in this case, the short fiction. When one speaks of oral narration, one speaks of the exploration of the body, of the accumulation of gestures and expressions that integrate orality, not only with the act of saying, but not saying. Narrating a text implies that the subject connects with the characters, with the events surrounding those characters, with their conflicts and interests. Rate text with voice.


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How to Cite

Zuriaga, C. E., & Pereira Díaz, I. L. . (2021). Oral narration as a pedagogical tool in the promotion of short fiction. UISRAEL SCIENTIFIC JOURNAL, 8(2), 11–27. https://doi.org/10.35290/rcui.v8n2.2021.267


