Neurodidactics as a pedagogical tool in the praxis of comprehensive elementary general basic education teachers




brain, neuroeducational strategies, neuroscience, neurodidactics, teaching praxis


Nowadays, teachers must modify their methodological strategies based on the basic functioning of the learner's brain. Therefore, the main question of this research is generated in what meanings emerge from the lived experience of Elementary General Basic Education (EGB) teachers, regarding the application of neurodidactics as a mechanism for improving the teaching-learning praxis? For which, the main objective was to understand the meanings that emerge from the lived experience of Elementary General Basic Education (EGB) teachers, in relation to what was commented as part of the initial question. In turn, four objectives related to multiple intelligences, methodological and neuroeducational strategies used by the teaching team in their educational praxis were derived. The methodology was based on the qualitative approach, obtaining favorable points in the application of neurodidactics in education, for all ages. As part of the conclusions, it was determined that this new pedagogical tool is at the forefront of education, because it is designed for each learner's ability. Thus, it gives the opportunity to work on the same topics of the curriculum established by the Ministry of Education.


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How to Cite

Saquicela Richards, C. E. . (2022). Neurodidactics as a pedagogical tool in the praxis of comprehensive elementary general basic education teachers. UISRAEL SCIENTIFIC JOURNAL, 9(1), 117–137.


