Augmented reality in the TLP. Study in High School students




augmented reality, teaching, learning, smartphone, pandemic, digital gap


In the last years, the actors involved in the teaching-learning processes, have seen how they have been introduced into them, tools that have complemented those already existing. These, categorized as augmented reality, its favor the transmission and acquisition of knowledge, while improving and enhancing the competences that students must acquire in his formative stage of high school.

The implementation of these tools collides head-on with his parents and teachers who are reluctant at all times that these tools can or should be executed and managed from devices like a Smartphone.

And the fact is that these devices are perceived as distracting and non-collaborative elements, educationally speaking. To this must be added the existence of a technological gap, deepened after the last socio-economic crisis and exacerbated by the pandemic that began in 2019 and in La Palma-Canary Islands (Spain), by the eruption of the Cumbre Vieja volcano, with consequences in educational matters.

In this article, we will analyze the consequences of introducing, in the classroom, punctually, Smartphone, and AR software, and what this technology implied in terms of improving the teaching-learning processes and how it also affects the actors involved in these actions.


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How to Cite

Rial Costa, M., Rial Costa, S., & Sánchez Oropeza, G. (2022). Augmented reality in the TLP. Study in High School students. UISRAEL SCIENTIFIC JOURNAL, 9(3), 149–174.


