A look at learning the human geography of Colombia from a critical pedagogy perspective


  • Edgar David Parra Vargas Universidad de Boyacá, Colombia.




Human geography, Critical Pedagogy, Reflective Analysis


The current context of humanity, framed in a world of constant transformations and innovations, res-ponds to the actions of the human species, which shapes and modifies the environment in order to satisfy the needs that have arisen over time. In the pedagogical field, human geography must become a syllabus of analysis and reflection that allows students to observe critically and proactively the situa-tions that arise in the countries. The objective of this work is to consolidate a space for discussion in an educational context in which emphasis is placed on learning the human geography of Colombia as a fundamental input of knowledge.

In order to achieve the consolidation of the project, the principles of critical pedagogy are taken as valid tools in the development of this work. The dialogue and reflection scenarios foster the critical dynamic of learning applied to human geography, highlighting the cultural and population elements that characterize the human groups that inhabit our nation. In this way it is possible to form an au-tonomous thinking and the construction of new ways and solutions to the current problems facing Colombian society is possible.


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Author Biography

Edgar David Parra Vargas, Universidad de Boyacá, Colombia.

Licenciado en Ciencias Sociales y Magíster en Educación de la Universidad Pedagógica y Tecnológica de Colombia. Se ha desempeñado como investigador del grupo CALDAS de la misma institución.

Actualmente ejerce como docente de educación básica y media en la Institución Educativa Gustavo Rojas Pinilla de Tunja (Boyacá) y como Docente Catedrático del Departamento de Ética y Humanidades de la Universidad de Boyacá.


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How to Cite

Parra Vargas, E. D. (2018). A look at learning the human geography of Colombia from a critical pedagogy perspective. UISRAEL SCIENTIFIC JOURNAL, 5(2), 31–38. https://doi.org/10.35290/rcui.v5n2.2018.88


