Vol. 7 No. 2 (2020)
Today we present a new issue of the Scientific Journal UISRAEL, the second of the year 2020, for which our scientific community is very pleased to make available ten articles of interest, as a result of research products, developed with high scientific and methodological rigor, thus contributing significantly to the various areas of knowledge.
The studies have undergone a process of selection, arbitration, correction and edition that go in correspondence of compatibility with the lines approved by the Technological University ISRAEL, publisher of our magazine. In addition, this publication offers topics of different nature, highlighting the interdisciplinary characteristic of the journal, being this a space to present problems that affect the country.
The first article, presented by Carlos Arturo Monar Merchán, Edgar Vicente Armas and Pedro Leonardo Tito-Huamaní is entitled "Human talent in the manufacture of tropical fruits and the value chain of the soft drinks food industry in Manabí-Ecuador", the objective of the work was to determine whether the human talent in the manufacture of tropical fruits is related to and has an impact on the soft drinks food industry in the province of Manabí-Ecuador. The results reflect that the training of human talent does have a significant influence on the Value Chain of the Food Industry of Non-Alcoholic Beverages. From the analysis carried out, the significance 0.00 is less than 0.05, and even less than 0.01, which shows that the correlation (degree of incidence) that has been established is true.
The second article, presented by Rodrigo Vicente Tamayo, Carlos Taco, Danny Hallo and Graciela Fajardo, is entitled "Universidad y proyectos de vinculación con la sociedad, un análisis técnico legal y su efecto en los procesos de aprendizajes", in which a comparison was made of the internal situation of Ecuador with other countries in Latin America and Europe in higher education institutions, with this, the intention was focused on knowing if the technical legal foundations contribute positively or negatively to the instruction process.
The third article, presented by: Marcos Antonio Espinoza Mina and Doris Gallegos Barzola, and entitled "Soft Skills in Education and Business: Systematic Mapping", presents as one of its conclusions that international organizations seek to coordinate their economic and social policies so that youth get decent jobs and meet the expectations of employers. The study shows that countries should strive to strengthen education systems and lifelong learning, in order to provide young people with better skills that allow them to develop a better labor insertion and mobility.
In the fourth article, presented by: Belkys Alida García, and called "The administration of indigenous justice in Ecuador, an approach from their worldview" shows a critical analysis on how this is derived from the customs, myths and legends coming from a whole learning from their ancestors, in turn, seeks to contrast how and what are the main problems that arise between indigenous justice and ordinary justice.
The fifth article, presented by: Wilmer Rubén Paredes León and Gerardo Ramos Serpa is entitled "Cooperative learning, education from social participation in high school students", the same had the purpose of diagnosing the state of cooperative formation at the high school level and its direct relationship with social participation. Among the main results, it is found that in the subjects of Language-Literature and Mathematics cooperative learning is applied to a lesser extent, while in Natural Sciences and Social Sciences there is greater openness to this type of instruction.
The sixth article, presented by: Arian Fuentes Aparicio, Betty Pastora Alejo and Roilys Jorje Suárez Abrahante is entitled "The forum in university teaching: fundamental activity for the development of the interactive virtual classroom". This article describes the importance of the forum as a fundamental activity for the development of the interactive virtual classroom in the university context. Different research methods were used, such as, from the theoretical level, analytical-synthetic method; from the empirical level, survey; from the statistical level, percentage analysis and from the logical level of research, the inductive method.
On the other hand, the seventh article, presented by Fabián Eugenio Bravo Guerrero, is entitled "Importance of the curriculum, text and teacher in the mathematics class", which states that education must have all its elements well harmonized so that the student has the appropriate learning results, the objective was set to analyze the relationship between the three elements mentioned in the title, in addition, it describes how the reform has not had enough diffusion in teachers, who still develop their classes in a traditional way, emphasizing the memorization of content and mechanical recipes to solve the exercises.
The eighth article, presented by César Arturo Carbache Mora, Carolina Herrera Bartolomé and Liceth Katherine Talledo Delgado, is published under the name "Marketing strategies to strengthen the service image of "Charra" artisan ice cream in Bahía de Caráquez. The study explains marketing strategies to strengthen the service image of "Helados Artesanales del Charra" in the province of Manabí. It focused on the commercial image and influence on the purchase decision of customers, being the consumer the main focus.
The ninth article presented by Johanna Elizabeth Garrido Sacán, Marcela Verónica Garcés Chiriboga and Carol Ivone Ullauri is entitled "Psychology, didactics and technology: reflections to rethink education", the research work presents reflective notes on the relationship of these in the learning process of students. Its objective is to generate analysis processes that motivate teachers to rethink their pedagogical practice.
And in the tenth and last article, presented by: González-Zambrano, Rosa V. León-Valle, Benjamín W. Garzozi-Pincay, René F. Crespo-Zafra, Lourdes M. and Saavedra-Palma, Jorge E. with "Economic culture of micro-producers through university linkage: An Ecuadorian experience" propose to identify the limitations in the educational-social orientation of the university linkage process, with the development of an economic culture in micro-producers, in addition, a university extension strategy is explained, manifesting characteristic processes of popular education with particularities of the subjects and context of action.
The impact of this research within the scientific community will allow rethinking models and tools to generate intervention proposals that contribute to the solution of certain problems existing in society. This material for the transfer and dissemination of knowledge that will strengthen human talent and enhance competitiveness worldwide is available to readers.
Ph. D. Yolvy Javier Quintero Cordero
Editor of the Scientific Journal UISRAEL 2020