School violence and its relationship with suicidal ideation in adolescents of the "Pedro Carbo" Educational Unit


  • Daniela Alejandra Saltos Paredes Investigador independiente



school violence, suicidal ideation, teenagers, physical violence, verbal violence, psychological violence


This research addresses the problem of school violence and how it is related to suicidal ideation. That is why for this study, adolescents from the "Pedro Carbo" Educational Unit were chosen to carry out two evaluations that helped to determine the rates of school violence and suicidal ideation existing in the school. The general objective was to analyze the relationship between school violence and suicidal ideation in adolescents of the "Pedro Carbo" Educational Unit. The article was based on a descriptive and correlational research, it is also a cross-sectional study. Two evaluations were applied to the students, the AVE Test (Bullying and School Violence) and the Beck Suicidal Ideation scale, which revealed in the results that the levels of school violence predominate with a high level with 66.7%, followed by 22.2% corresponding to the medium level and 11.1% to the low level and in the levels of suicidal ideation it was found that 55.6% of the students present a high index, 33.3% corresponds to the low level and 11.1% to the medium level.


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How to Cite

Saltos Paredes , D. A. . (2022). School violence and its relationship with suicidal ideation in adolescents of the "Pedro Carbo" Educational Unit. U-Mores JOURNAL, 1(1), 63–76.