Improvement of quality of life in patients with end-stage renal disease based on their adherence to renal replacement therapy/hemodialysis


  • Irene Sofía Baldeón Rivadeneira Investigador independiente



therapeutic adherence, chronic kidney disease, quality of life, treatment compliance


Quality of life is a state of balance of the individual with his family, social and spiritual environment, consequently, for a person who receives the diagnosis of chronic kidney disease and subsequently the urgent admission to the renal replacement program is interpreted by the patient as the end of his life, so that immediately begin to develop mechanisms and strategies that allow the patient to find his point of balance from the new reality that is projected permanently.

For this, an adequate approach to the mental health of patients and their families can make a difference, in this sense the present article is developed with the aim of addressing chronic kidney disease based on their adherence to renal replacement therapy/hemodialysis. The study is based on a descriptive and projective type of research and a total of twenty patients were attended. As part of the final recommendations, it is proposed to develop a psychoeducational intervention program that considers three basic aspects: education, communication and information based on strategies with which awareness of the disease and treatment can be generated.


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How to Cite

Baldeón Rivadeneira , I. S. . (2022). Improvement of quality of life in patients with end-stage renal disease based on their adherence to renal replacement therapy/hemodialysis. U-Mores JOURNAL, 1(1), 11–26.