The Imperative and the Conjunctive Que in the Havana Newspaper (1797)




imperative, uses, written language, what conjunctive


The present work, according to its title, was selected because the year 1797 appears in its entirety in the original newspaper, which is in the Coronado Fund of the Central University "Marta Abreu" of Las Villas, and also because it is one of the first studies carried out from the traced perspective. The objective of the article is to describe the use of the imperative and the conjunctive What in the texts published in 1797 in the Newspaper of the Havana. The problem is the following: Do the selected texts of the Newspaper of the Havana present uses of the imperative and the What conjunctive characteristic of the written language in this period? For what it was established as hypothesis: The written language in the sample could admit, by the conditions of its production and reception, characteristic uses of the imperative and the conjunctive What in an important stage in the history of Cuba. Based on the stated objective, the description and analysis of the imperative and the conjunctive What, and their function within the sentence is carried out. For this, concrete examples extracted from the sample are used, which is synthesized in the conclusions, by demonstrating the authenticity of the hypothesis drawn.


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How to Cite

Rodríguez González, A. (2021). The Imperative and the Conjunctive Que in the Havana Newspaper (1797). UISRAEL SCIENTIFIC JOURNAL, 8(3), 95–115.