Technology trends for stand-alone modules in the physics laboratory


  • Mayoribel Reañez Unidad Educativa Nuestra Señora del Rosario, Ecuador.
  • Wilmer Fabián Albarracín Universidad Tecnológica Israel, Ecuador.
  • Mercedes Delgado Universidad del Zulia, Venezuela.



Technology trends, autonomous modules, Physics laboratory


The experimental activities are a fundamental part of the teaching-learning process of physics; howe-ver, the laboratory classes are not used efficiently, because in some education institutes in Ecuador there are no appropriate places or they are limited to performing practices with obsolete equipment and instruments, and above each measurement is performed by a single operator. All this has the consequence that the data collection is made with a very high level of errors, both accidental and systematic. To try to solve this situation, autonomous modules are being developed for the Physics laboratory classes supported by current technological trends.In order to describe how technological trends can be used in the autonomous modules for the deve-lopment of laboratory activities in Physics, the present descriptive documentary research was carried out from the interpretative referential framework of hermeneutics and theoretically sustained in current technological trends and in how these can be used in the practical teaching of Physics at the univer-sity level. With this purpose, the description of emerging technologies such as artificial intelligence, augmented reality, the internet of things, the immersive experience, blockchain and 5G connectivity was made, and their implications and possible didactic uses for the autonomous modules in the Phy-sics laboratory were determined. It stands out as a final consideration that the possibility of ultrafast connectivity and decision making in an automated way positively favor the teaching-learning process of Physics.


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How to Cite

Reañez, M., Albarracín, W. F., & Delgado, M. (2017). Technology trends for stand-alone modules in the physics laboratory. UISRAEL SCIENTIFIC JOURNAL, 4(3), 9–19.


