Importance of the curriculum, text and teacher in the math class




constructivism, mathematics teacher, education, 2016 curriculum reform, guide text


The curricular adjustment carried out in Ecuador in 2016 responds to the constructivist paradigm, the texts that guide the mathematics teacher proposed by the Ministry of Education are also developed according to that vision, and therefore, the teacher should develop an active and reflective class, supported by a series of resources proposed in the curricular adjustment. Education must have all its elements well harmonized so that the student has the appropriate learning results; the objective is to analyze the relationship between three elements: curriculum design, guide text and the teacher. The documentary review methodology is applied to analyze how the curricular adjustment idealizes the relationship between these elements, and then what is the reality. In practice there are some difficul-ties, one of these is the texts bring excessive amounts of content to be developed, which forces the teacher to “give” classes, without making sure of the students’ learning achievement. Also, the reform has not been sufficiently disseminated to teachers, who still develop their classes in a traditional way, emphasizing the memorization of content and mechanical recipes to solve the exercises.


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Author Biography

Fabián Eugenio Bravo Guerrero, Universidad de Cuenca

Docente e Investigador de la Facultad de Filosofía, Letras y Ciencias de la Educación de la Universidad de Cuenca


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How to Cite

Bravo Guerrero, F. E. (2020). Importance of the curriculum, text and teacher in the math class. UISRAEL SCIENTIFIC JOURNAL, 7(2), 109–120.




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